Building a credit history is very important, and some don’t realize how much time it actually takes. If you are new to the credit card world, you will wait about three to six months from the beginning date to see...
Building a credit is a process that takes a while, and some say even years. That is why it is so important to have a credit card and to use it wisely. A big part of owning a credit card...
When finally out of college, some people expect to get their dream job right away. Unfortunately that is rarely the case, and most people find themselves in an entry level job. Remember that this the your first job in your...
To keep your teens healthy, there are simple things you can do that can have a great affect on their health and happiness. First thing’s first, and that is eating breakfast – starting the day with a meal in your...
Marilyn Santiesteban, assistant director of career services at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, raises the topic of posting on social media work-related information. “My best advice is not to post about your colleagues...
Some young people struggle after college to figure out their next steps. It may seem like everyone is working full time jobs and developing careers but it is not always the case. A lot of recent graduates take the time...
Many shoppers tend to spend a lot of money on items related to birthdays and events. Often times those expenses are related to the time of the purchase, and shoppers who shopped ahead of time reported to get good deals...
Everyone want more money at the end of the day, but not all employees know how to get it. In addition to the projected %3 yearly raise, employees who are considered high performing can get up to %10 a year....
Finding the right home is a marathon, not a sprint. The process involves not only the search and decision making, but also a financial aspect of loans, money down, insurances, and much more. Some house hunters feel the need to...
If you are feeling heavy and stuffed, it can make your work day difficult. In order to make things easier on the stomach, eating a lighter lunch can help a lot. Also, drinking alcohol when dining out is not recommended...